Forget Science! Major in Adventure Recreation in College!

Forget sitting in a stuffy classroom - here's the college major for outdoor enthusiasts and fun-lovers everywhere: Adventure Recreation.

Yes, that's right:

Adventure sports like scuba diving, snowboarding, white water rafting, and bungee jumping are big business. People are wanting controlled ways to break out of their normal nine-to-five office life and these sports on fun mini-breaks and vacations are the perfect release. Who is going to supply these cubicle monkeys with their fun though?

If you have a passion for adventure sports and enough experience to train others, you might want to look in the undergraduate programs at Green Mountain College in Vermont that aim at helping people like you in establishing their own businesses in the area of adventure recreation where they can train newcomers to the sports and just show people a fun, exciting time that is a bit out of the norm.

Read more about weird college majors over at Road Tickle: Link

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Typically, though, those programs involve required courses in ethics, English composition, ecology, and business (accounting, marketing, human resources, etc). There are usually a number of physical activity courses taken by the student, but the credit weight is limited - often valued at a quarter or eighth of a credit, or about a half.

Students usually write certification exams and take fairly extensive first aid courses (including wilderness first aid).

And don't forget the dreaded breadth requirements.
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