We posted previously about Mark Hogancamp and the miniature world he created called Marwencol (actually more than once). The documentary film about Hogancamp and his project, also called Marwencol, has collected awards on the film festival circuit, and will be in limited theatrical release beginning on October 8th. -Thanks, Chris Shellen!
people making worthwhile things
I wouldn't recognize miniature snuff porn if I saw it.
Don't blame others for your own mistakes. If you had paid attention you would have noticed the guy being held back with his throat getting slit in the still frame.
I guess it's okay if it's only WWII violence. The violence back then was way less violent than the violence they have nowadays. In fact, WWII was one of the gentlest wars on record.
Sigh... Neil, Neil, Neil. Is that honestly your excuse to defend what they did in WWII? Hate breeds hate.