Archive for September 22nd, 2010

Blueprints to Make Your Own Dalek

Nowadays, if you write a movie or TV show production company on how to make your own props, you'd probably hear back from their legal departments. But back in the early 80s, if you wrote to the BBC requesting plans on ho...

Daddy's Little Cylon

Daddy's Little Cylon - $17.95Did you just download your consciousness into a new skinjob model, ... er, just have a baby? Here's a neat baby snapsuit for the Battlestar Galactica fan: Daddy's Little Cylon from the NeatoS...

Volcanoes May Have Killed Off Neanderthals

A new theory says that volcanic activity in Europe's past may have contributed to the extinction of Neanderthals. Several volcanos erupted in a short period of time along the Caucasus Mountains about 40,000 years ago. Po...

Seven-Layer Dip

(YouTube link) This strange video is part story, part showreel, as it was produced, filmed, and performed by stunt doubles Sam Hargrave and Monique Ganderton. -via reddit Stunt, violence, stuntmen...

Gapped Teeth Are Becoming Fashionable

Diastema (a gap between teeth) has often been viewed as a cosmetic defect, but there are indications that modeling agencies, fashion designers, and casting directors have changed their point of view. At model casting ca...

Human-Powered Ornithopter

Todd Reichert, a doctoral student in engineering at the University of Toronto built the world's first successful human-powered ornithopter. That's an aircraft that flaps its wings like a bird. This past summer, Rei...

Porcelain Handguns

Artist Yvonne Lee Schultz makes porcelain replicas of James Bond's Walther PPK handgun: The fragile weapon, hand-painted in the style of classic tableware motifs, liesnext to your coffee and cake, asking to be pic...

George Washington, Hottie

Quick, what's the first word that comes to mind when I say "George Washington"? President? Founding Father?How about ... hottie?Washington wasn’t always the old, white-haired patriarchal Founding Fath...

Tokyoflash Kisai Round Trip Watch

Our pal Tokyoflash has just released a pretty nifty wristwatch called the Kisai Round Trip.The watch features a sleek smoked black lens that comes to life with vivid LED cells to show the time. Just don't ask me...

10 Worst SNL Hosts

Next week is Saturday Night Live's season premiere, so what better way to celebrate than to look back at the iconic TV series' worst host ever to be invited on the show? For example:Steven Seagal (April 20, 1...

The Other Sarah Palin

Abram Sauer of Esquire talked to Sarah Palin the other day. No, not that Sarah Palin - the other one. Does sharing a name with the inimitable former Governor of Alaska and presumably US presidential hopeful in 2...

Spikey-Headed Dinosaur Discovered

The Kosmoceratops dinosaur, which roamed Utah 76 million years ago, may have had more horns on its head than any other dinosaur discovered. The Guardian talked with Scott Sampson, a paleontologist: The a...

Aliens Power Loader Costume

Instructables user alexthemoviegeek made this power loader costume from the movie Aliens with just $225 worth of supplies. It's mostly made from wood, foam, PVC pipe, and pipe insulation. At the l...

Dalek Money Bank

Dalek Money Bank - $22.95Need to keep your money safe? Exterminate your money problems by storing your coins and bills in this Dalek Money Bank from the NeatoShop. The removable seal underneath the base lets you access y...

Four People to Watch Buried While Buried Alive

Buried is an upcoming horror film about a man who wakes up to find himself buried alive in a coffin. Alamo Drafthouse held a contest in which four winners were kidnapped and buried in coffins underground wh...

Adorable, Violent Panda Bear Insists That You Buy His Product

(Video Link) Panda is an Egyptian cheese brand. The mascot of the company is a panda bear. As you can see from these ads, the panda bear is adorable. And if his cuteness doesn't convince you to buy his cheese, hi...

The 9 Most Mind-blowing Disguises in the Animal Kingdom

We are all familiar with animals that use camouflage, but some take it to an extreme level. Cracked found examples of animals that totally take on a different persona. What kind of creature do think this picture shows?...

Electronic Bracelet Keeps Track of What Your Hands Are Doing

Would you like for people to be able to keep constant tabs on what you're doing with your hands? Well, then, good news! A Japanese firm named NTT is working on a gadget that will do just that: The bracelet is equipp...

Tiny Robot to Roll from Tokyo to Kyoto

The Evolta robot -- the mascot of Panasonic's line of batteries -- will roll 500 kilometers from Tokyo to Kyoto. It's powered by 12 AA batteries, and the trip is meant to serve as a public demonstration of the batteries...

Carpenter Throws Saw Blade through 2X4

(Video Link) This video shows a carpenter at a home building project slicing a 2X4 in two simply by throwing a circular saw blade at it. Don't try this at home. via The Presurfersaws, carpent...

US Millionaire Leaves Estate to Wombat Awareness Organisation

An unnamed millionaire traveled to Australia two years ago and visited the people who run the Wombat Awareness Organisation in Mannum, Australia. Upon his death, he bequeathed the project eight million dollars! Director...

Johnny Depp

Filmmaker Tim Burton wrote a poem about his frequent casting choice Johnny Depp. He also illustrated it! Linkmovies, poetry, Tim Burton, JOHNNY depp...

The Talking Tree

A 100-year old tree in Belgium is the new star of the internet. The Talking Tree has over 4,000 fans on its Facebook page, over 2,000 following its Twitter feed, and many other people visiting its website. As you can se...

A Celebration of Elephants

Every September 22nd, we celebrate Elephant Appreciation Day! To show our appreciation, here's a look at some of the amazing things elephants do. 1. Play Soccer and Darts (Image credit: Reuters/Sukre...

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