Pot Farm in Zoo Enclosure

It was the perfect place to grow marijuana: a section of the rhinoceros pen that only one zookeeper had access to. A zookeeper in Austria thought he would never be caught.
Salzburg Hellbrunn Zoo director Sabine Grebner said today (Mon): "It’s horrible! We never thought such a thing was possible. We are here for families and kids – and we don’t have anything to do with drugs."

Police said the 59-year-old rhinoceros carer kept 33 marijuana plants in a part of the enclosure which is hidden from visitors’ view, adding that they acted on an anonymous tip-off by "customer" of the offender.

http://austrianindependent.com/news/General_News/2010-09-20/4626/Rhino_carer_fired_over_hash_plantation -via Arbroath

(Image credit: Flickr user Martin Belam)

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Those rhinos look pretty paranoid in the picture, it might be for the best.
Either that or the whole being imprisoned and started at all day is caused the 'noia. Who knows.
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I love how the zoo says it's "HORRIBLE!" and they don't have anything to do w/ drugs...IT'S A FREAKING PLANT...people are so stupid; I'm really losing faith in humanity
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