Save Our Swarm "Bee"-llboard


Plan BEE used 100,000 bees to create this SOS (Save Our Swarm) "bee"-llboard drawing attention to the worldwide problem of honey bee population decline. For some unknown reason, honey bees have been disappearing at an alarming rate in the past few decades. Beekeepers have noticed that more than half of their colonies have died. Honey bees aren't even found in the wild any longer.

Dude Craft has got the 30-sec video clip: Link

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The cell phone theory was a poorly done study that for some reason gained a ton of traction in the media. Even the creator of the study came out and said the media was reporting it wrong.

There is no doubt that CCD is an enormous problem for our time. Bee keepers in the US are losing huge numbers of their bees ever year. They even had to fly bees in all the way from Australia this year to help pollinate crops in California.

Beekeepers took a while to admit there was a problem because they are a self reliant bunch who have developed methods to cope with sporadic bee loss. However, the scale of loss is unprecedented.

These people are no different than farmers. They are down to earth people who love what they do. If they get together and say there is a problem, then there is a problem. These are not just a bunch of hippies or welfare check collectors. They don't want the government to give them handouts, but they also don't want to have to give up a profession they love.
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My dad's a Master Bee Keeper. He says with all the cell phones and the equipment used to transmit the calls that it's interfering with the bees' sense of direction. They can't find their way back to their hives and so they end up dying. It's really tragic how all the microwaves in the air are messing with the bees. My dad teaches people how to become beekeepers and every year he loses more and more hives to this problem. That and there is a mite that kills bees that seems highly resistant to most efforts to eradicate them. You have to be very careful not to contaminate the honey if you use any kind of mite killing products.
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