My 120 Pound Journey

(YouTube link)

Talk about inspirational -Ben Davis lost 120 pounds! But that's not all he accomplished, as you'll see in this video. Davis also chronicled his progress on his blog. Link -via reddit

I'm 60 years old and have just started the Weight Watchers Program. I have about 45 pounds to lose. If Ben can do it - I can do it! Look at that handsome smile. Thanks for making his story available to all of us. I plan to watch it over and over. Especially when I am tempted to give up. May you have a long, happy, & HEALTHY life Ben.
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Very cool vid. Made me tear up at the end.
Good for him for getting healthier and getting his life back, or at least living the life he wants.
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Good for him! Glad all it took for him was inspiration, but just saying "if you want to do it, all you have to do is do it." I have fought with my weight all of my adult life. (I am now 46 years old.) Just five days ago I went through gastric bypass surgery to help me get the weight off and try to live a longer, healthier life. Other means have never worked, but I am hopeful that this step will finally mean success.

I am not by any means diminishing Ben's accomplishments. I am very happy for him, and I hope he does inspire others. I am just here to say that it still may not be enough, and want to encourage others to not let that stop them. Keep fighting, and if necessary and possible, for you to take even further steps like I have to try. I am just starting, and hope that in the next nine months to a year that I will get to where Ben is and I can reap the benefits that he has.

To summarize: Just don't EVER give up.
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On a diet, I lost more than 30 pounds so far : my inspiration was through people loosing weight and... just doing it!
Great video, great accomplishment : congrats!
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Your diet affects your weight more than anything else, including exercise. Get your diet right and you'll lose more weight than trying to run 10 miles every other day.
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