The companies who employ prison labour for making dentures and other dental appliances are members of the National Association of Dental Laboratories, so they must have their workers properly trained to do the job. This may actually give a skill that could be used on the outside and keep prisoners from re-offending.
That's just one of the items on the list of Everyday Things You Didn't Know Are Made in Prisons. Link
I fought the law and the law won."
You may wonder what anyone needed broken rocks for. It was for railway roadbeds. Those sharp angular bits of rock settle and grip, so they don't shake loose.
Where is it written that I should produce something for you, take all the responsibilty, pay all the costs of production and distribution and then give it away? That would be stupid. Duh. I would have to stop on day one.
Trade and commerce has always been a part of human history. Stop dissing it and start thanking your lucky stars that the system works as well as it does.