At a parade in Halifax in July, 2009, Canadian troops drove into town in a Willys jeep. They stopped, stripped it apart, put it back together again, and drove away in three minutes.
I was surprised they didn't reassemble the jeep facing in the opposite direction, rather than turn it around once it was built. Anyway, don't let your wiseacre friends see this if you own one of these. You'll likely be finding your car in the oddest locations...
This is less about the skill of the troops (I am Canadian by the way) and more about how freaking cool old Willys jeeps are. I'd like to see someone do that with a Humvee.
Reminds me of a story I heard from a friend of my sister. Him and other guy played a prank on their friend by doing the same thing to his old VW Beetle, but the hard part was getting chassis into his apartment through the balcony entrance, but luckily they had use of a crane. When the guy came back from his trip, he saw the two guys sitting in it watching TV that was sitting on the hood of the car. They would have helped him take it apart and reassembled it had he not kicked them out. Oh well, that's what he gets for planting a watercress garden in my sister's friends living room carpet while he was away on a business trip.
- Seeing this- Why the hell does it take my carshop so freaking long to take apart and reassemble my car if there is some minor problem underneath...?
- I pray that the Taliban won't ever catch these Canadians alive so they can learn that trick from them- That would be even worse than all those IEDS's they use now...
Nothing says combat ready troops like being able to take a defenseless jeep apart and put it back together really quickly. Sleep safe Canada, there won't be any marauding jeeps tonight.
Uhh, this is cool. But it's obviously been modified. I mean where is the gas tank? No coolant in the radiator? And what about the electrical? Must not be hooked up. This jeep was tinkered with to make it come apart REALLY easily. The old Willys are engineering miracles that can get you up the side of a mountain during a rain storm on four bald tires. But they ain't THAT simple.
Yeah, couldn't do that on anything with modern brakes (brake box is unboosted and on the frame) modern steering (shaft is solid tube from the box), or modern electronics (only switch on the frame is the brakes and there are only two wires needed for the engine electrics too). FWIW, on the stock M38a1 the windshield and hood are hinged to come off and the gas tank is under the drivers seat. This one can also have its grille removed
And since they ride like a donkey cart, nobody would notice the lack of body mounts. The engine can't run long without water, but it's tough. It was one of the first engines with positive crankcase pressure (and a pcv valve) that allowed it to run under water (with snorkles).
Good job on the part of the drill team to plan that out and execute it. It's just as cool as flinging a fake rifle around in my opinion
This is strategy is practiced in order that the military's last vehicle can be hidden, thus preventing politicians from the Bloc Quebecois from stealing it.
Anyway, don't let your wiseacre friends see this if you own one of these. You'll likely be finding your car in the oddest locations...
- Seeing this- Why the hell does it take my carshop so freaking long to take apart and reassemble my car if there is some minor problem underneath...?
- I pray that the Taliban won't ever catch these Canadians alive so they can learn that trick from them- That would be even worse than all those IEDS's they use now...
And since they ride like a donkey cart, nobody would notice the lack of body mounts. The engine can't run long without water, but it's tough. It was one of the first engines with positive crankcase pressure (and a pcv valve) that allowed it to run under water (with snorkles).
Good job on the part of the drill team to plan that out and execute it. It's just as cool as flinging a fake rifle around in my opinion