Archive for September 14th, 2010

Tower Maintenance

The video that was here has been pulled because of employment concerns for the climber featured. Read more about it at The Online Engineer. This helmet-cam video is not for anyone with an extreme fea...

Typography Poster: Zombies

The artist who goes by the name freakingawesome created a typography poster entitled Zombies. It contains the names of 978 zombie movies, books, and video games. At the link, you can click the image to enlarge it (se...

Canadian Troops Disassemble, Reassemble Jeep in 3 Minutes

(Video Link) At a parade in Halifax in July, 2009, Canadian troops drove into town in a Willys jeep. They stopped, stripped it apart, put it back together again, and drove away in three minutes. via Ace of Spade...

Hand Lights

The blog Cool Tools recently held a contest that invited people to design their own tools. Steve Hoefer submitted these arm-mounted work lights: Enter the Hand Lights, a pretty simple and cheap DIY proje...

Cat Labeled "Cat"

Garry and Joan Marsh of Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire, England adopted a ten-week-old kitten from the local animal shelter and named her Polly. Three days later, they noticed the word "cat" on her left flank. Mr M...

The Anatomy of Nemo

Artist Jason Freeny takes popular characters and imagines their internal anatomy. We've previously looked at a computer rendering of the bones, organs, and circulatory system of the Gingerbread Man. Lately, Freeny'...

Roll Me a James and a Marilyn

YouTube Link More than 14,000 dice were used to make this 8 ft by 5ft  mosaic of James Dean and Marilyn Monroe. Via Holy KawArt, dice...

Access to the Trapped Chilean Miners

Remember the miners in Chile that were trapped underground on August 5th? They're still down there. Rescue workers continue to dig toward them while sending essential supplies down a 3.19 inch hole. Newsweek*/...

World's Most Expensive Cheese Sandwich

TV celebrity chef Martin Blunos created this gourmet cheese sandwich. It costs $178. The sandwich: [...] is dressed with 100-year-old balsamic vinegar and the sourdough bread - which costs £5 alone - is sprinkled w...

The Bomb Chroniclers

A secret corps of photographers and filmmakers documented US nuclear testing in the 1940s through the '60s. The "atomic moviemakers", officially known as the Lookout Mountain Laboratory, established in 1947, made at...

Electric Car Can Recharge While in Motion

Students at the University of Karlsruhe in Germany designed and built an electric vehicle and the track that it runs on. The car can recharge using electrical conduits built into the surface of the track. It doesn'...

Buck Rogers Atomic Disintegrator Ray Gun

What to give the sci-fi fan in your life that's got everything? How about this Buck Rogers Atomic Disintegrator replica ray gun from the NeatoShop?The Buck Rogers pistol was the most popular toy ray gun for kids and...

Stuck in the Mud

(Video Link) What do you do if your car gets stuck in the mud? Well, get some guy to pull you out with his car. But what if he gets stuck in the mud? Well, you get some other guy to pull both of you out. But wha...

Dolph Lundgren vs a Cute Unicorn

I haven't used a Norton product for years but this ad featuring Dolph Lundgren vs. a unicorn is definitely chuckle-worthy: Link [embedded YouTube clip].Note: re-wrote the intro - previous versions of Norton were notoriou...

The FFFUUUU Statue

Remember the 2008 4chan meme "FFFUUUU" AKA Rageguy? Well, CGHUb member SLiD3 has created a computer graphic of the meme as a sculpture.Linkmeme, statue, FFFUUUU, rageguy...

It's a Boy! It's a Girl!

Double congratulations to our friends at mental_floss! Fun Fact: 15% of all mental_floss employees are now on paternity leave. Mental_floss co-founder Mangesh Hattikudur and his wife Lizzie welcomed in the next ge...

Are Hipsters Reviving Detroit?

If you believe everything you've seen online, then you'd probably think that Detroit is a vast wasteland of ruins overrun with gangs and violence. But is that true?Sure, Detroit is filled with abandoned buildings, la...

Giant Octopus Cake

Karen Portaleo of Highland Bakery does some impressive cake work, such as this 200-pound octopus cake. Other examples at the link include a poker table, a porta-potty, and a Q*bert figure. Link via Super Punch |...

MC Frontalot: Spoiler Alert

(Video Link) Rapper MC Frontalot composed this tense love song about a man who constantly reveals the ends of movies, books, and even historical events to his girlfriend. The video, directed by Max Isaacson, is qui...

The Wonder Woman of Willendorf

The Venus of Willendorf (right) is a stone statuette dating back 23,000 years and found near the Austrian town of Willendorf. Archaeologists have studied it at length and speculated about its significance in the his...

Everything is a Remix

(vimeo link) The beginning of a four-part video series by filmmaker Kirby Ferguson. I'm looking forward to part two, which you'll see at the website when it debuts. -via Laughing Sq...

Salt Mine Storage

Archived TV and film footage is kept safe and sound underground in a salt mine in Kansas. The Hutchinson Salt Mine in Kansas covers 900 underground acres. When a section is finished as a mine, that space can be used for...

Bungee-jump Wedding

Jeroen and Sandra Kippers of Brussels, Belgium were lifted on a platform by crane up 160 feet in the air for their wedding ceremony. They were joined by the officiant and about 20 guests. Another platform held the musici...

List o' 10 Everyday Things You Didn't Know Are Made in Prisons

US prisons are used more and more for manufacturing. You know about license plates, but private companies also contract for prison labor to make some of the things you use every day. The companies who employ prison labo...

Family Trees for Clones

A Practical Guide for Genealogists by Erno Listerhijj, Erno Listerhijj, Erno Listerhijj, Erno Listerhijj, et al. The Bergen County Amateur Genealogical Association Pyramus, New Jersey Here is a simple guide...

TV Classic Barbie Dolls

Mattel is giving us a blast from the past with its new line of classic TV icon Barbies. I wonder whether they'll appeal to the Lady Gaga generation. The new I Dream Of Jeannie (Barbara Eden) Barbie doll, the ...

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