Movie Theater Bus

In the 1960s, the British government built seven buses with movie theaters inside. Only one survives to this day, but it's been lovingly restored to its original grandeur. The bus can hold twenty-two people and is used by its owners to promote the cultures and arts of southwestern England. via DVICE | Image: Movie Bus

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Wonderful thing, I love the architecture of the front end. There's no practical need for that glass structure it's purely cosmetic. Oh for a time when governments cared about such things. Incidentally half of it is missing. IIRC they originally hauled a trailer about the same size as the coach.
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@ Marge - it's an modified coach, Plaxton coachwork on a Bedford SB chassis.

This is what's going on underneath:

I'd dearly love to own it...
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I do like the watch tower style windows on the roof, If anyone has any photo's of anything like this or even photo's of the inside of this one? Please get in touch with me via the contact page @
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So it's a lorry rather than a bus, but in the Highlands and Islands the mobile cinema is very much a here and now thing:
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A find example of someone trying to hard to be an "artist"

If putting out pop songs and strange rock works for your fans...... stick to the straight and narrow and give them what they want. Why try to reinvent the recipe of your success?
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Revolution #9 at first was scary, then revolutionary. This may be one of the most important songs of my life. It tore open the POP music fabric exposing a musical landscape undreamed of before by my 11 year old mind. After Revolution #9 I heard the possibility of music everywhere. I wanted more, I searched out and found John Cage, La Monte Young and later musicians like Eno and other Prog and boundary dissolving music. My adult musical life was directly informed by this Beatle experiment.
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I remember hearing "Revolution #9" for the first time in 1969 and being totally confused by it. For the time it was certainly to whether or not it's "the Beatles song everyone hates", I really hate "Fool On The Hill" and find "Revolution #9" merely underwhelming.
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Since I was 13, I've always thought this was one of their greatest pieces of work.
Then again: I hate songs like "Michelle", "Hey Jude" and "Let It Be". Maybe I was really dropped off by aliens? Number 9, number 9, number 9, number 9, number 9, ....
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My favorite moment on my favorite Beatles album. And the whole world may not be making this kind of music, he did manage to predict an entire genre of music—several actually, but lets focus on one: plunderphonics (Google it).
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Well, not the response Miss Celliana (or Eddie Deezen?) expected judging by the bent of her/his piece. Apparently Revolution #9 is far more popular/appreciated than she/he realized. So, I'm not sure where the author got their information, as it seems to fly in the face of every single comment here.

For my 2 cents, I can't think of a single Lennon song I dislike, whereas there are at least a few McCartney songs I can easily do without, and I think that's probably true for most people. That being said, I have to wonder if the "overall least popular Beatles song" isn't in actuality a McCartney-penned song.
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