Movie Theater Bus

In the 1960s, the British government built seven buses with movie theaters inside. Only one survives to this day, but it's been lovingly restored to its original grandeur. The bus can hold twenty-two people and is used by its owners to promote the cultures and arts of southwestern England. via DVICE | Image: Movie Bus

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Wonderful thing, I love the architecture of the front end. There's no practical need for that glass structure it's purely cosmetic. Oh for a time when governments cared about such things. Incidentally half of it is missing. IIRC they originally hauled a trailer about the same size as the coach.
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@ Marge - it's an modified coach, Plaxton coachwork on a Bedford SB chassis.

This is what's going on underneath:

I'd dearly love to own it...
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I do like the watch tower style windows on the roof, If anyone has any photo's of anything like this or even photo's of the inside of this one? Please get in touch with me via the contact page @
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So it's a lorry rather than a bus, but in the Highlands and Islands the mobile cinema is very much a here and now thing:
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