Archive for September 13th, 2010

LEGO Minifig Head Lamp

LEGO Head Lamp - Fireman - $14.95The popular LEGO Minifig Head Lamp, a clippable LED flashlight shaped like the iconic LEGO minifig, has got exciting update: we've now got the Fireman, Policeman and Construction Worker H...

Doctor Branded Patient's Uterus as a "Friendly Gesture"

Well, as long as you've got your uterus taken out anyway, why not add a little personal touch? That's what landed one gynecologist in a bit of a hot water:After performing a hysterectomy last year, a California gynec...

Bank Manager Convinced Robber To Take Out a Loan Instead

Add this to the long list of candidates for the stupidest criminals who tried to rob a bank:A man was arrested Wednesday afternoon after he walked into a Watsonville bank, said he had a bomb in his backpack and deman...

We No Speak Americano

(YouTube link) Suzanne Cleary and Peter Harding perform a mesmerizing hand dance. -via Everlasting Blort...

Foreign Memes

You know LOLcats and RickRolls, and you are probably somewhat familiar with Pedo Bear, but do you know Preved Medved and Snel Hest? They are internet memes from non-English speaking countries. A couple of years ago, I wo...

Vanity Fair's 100 Most Influential People

The geeks shall inherit the earth? Vanity Fair made a list of the 100 most influential people, and internet geeks dominate the top slots. 1. Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook) 2. Steve Jobs (Apple) 3. Sergey Brin, Larry Pag...

Geek and Gamer Girls

Of all the "California Gurls" parodies you've heard, this one is most likely to hit home. Team Unicorn got together to sing the praises of "Geek and Gamer Girls." Yeah, this is another one of those Caligornia Girls paro...

The Hair Hall of Fame

The Hair Hall of Fame is a blog that pays tribute to bygone but unforgettable hairstyles -and some modern styles, too! Shown are actresses Lynn and Vanessa Redgrave in the big hair days of the '70s. Link -via Everlas...

This Is the Future of Air Travel

Aviointeriors, an Italian design firm, unveiled its vision for a jetliner interior with increased passenger capacity. Passengers will be able to fit into a smaller space: They'd sit at an angle with no more than...

Tracked Skateboard/Segway

(Video Link) The Shredder is a new military vehicle by a start-up company called DTV. It's an individual transportation device that can go up to 30 MPH and haul 1,200 lbs. The machine is powered by a 200cc four-st...

Win a Copy of The Cow in the Parking Lot!

We've got 5 free copies of a new book dealing with anger management called The Cow in the Parking Lot. Funny title, right? The idea is this: Let's say you're in a parking lot looking for a spot. After 15 minutes...

Japanese Sushi Erasers

Sushi Erasers - $6.95These sushi erasers sure look good enough to eat! We've got some new Iwako Japanese erasers over at the NeatoShop (the production quality is incredible - it's like precision molding and engineering ....

The Conference Affiliations Quiz

US college football conferences have reshuffled their membership this year. That's the subject of a tough Lunchtime Quiz today at mental_floss. If you know the history of the conferences, you just might do well. I di...

Libraries will Survive

(YouTube link) Budget cuts make a librarian's day more hectic than ever! This video was made by Sean Bonney and the employees of the Central Rappahannock Regional Library in Virginia. -Thanks, Sean!Music, l...

Exploding Sauerkraut

Who says high school science is boring? A hazmat team was summoned to a school in Prince George, British Columbia when a can of sauerkraut exploded! Twenty-four students and four staff members at Kelly Road Secondary Sc...

15 DIY Plumbing Disasters

One thing that can make you feel better about the weird things in your home is to see how much worse it could be. A plumbing information site compiled stories, links, and videos of plumbing disasters that ra...

Movie Theater Bus

In the 1960s, the British government built seven buses with movie theaters inside. Only one survives to this day, but it's been lovingly restored to its original grandeur. The bus can hold twenty-two people and is...

New Artificial Skin May Help Robots Feel

Researchers at the University of California at Berkeley have developed an artificial form of skin. It might be used in the future to give robots or people with prosthetic limbs the ability to feel: The Berkeley group...

The Green Book

During the Jim Crow era in the United States, it was neither easy nor safe for African-Americans to travel from town to town. For three decades, The Negro Motorist Green Book: An International Travel Guide was a...

Bill to Regulate Witches Fails in Romanian Legislature

A bill that would have imposed regulations and taxes on Romania's witches and fortune tellers failed to pass in that nation's legislature: The witch bill would have cracked down on the industry by requiring witches an...

Super Mario Bros. at 25

Twenty-five years ago today, the first Super Mario Bros. game was released in Japan. Keith Stuart of The Guardian has a round-up of 25 bits of Mario history trivia, including one on the origin of the t...

Award-Winning Astronomical Photographs

Every year, the National Maritime Museum of Britain gives awards in the field of astronomical photography. Prizes are awarded in five categories: Earth and Space, People and Space, Our Solar System, Deep Space, Youn...

A Visit to the Museum of Soviet Arcade Games

The Museum of Soviet Arcade Games is a small basement museum in Moscow that houses vintage arcade games from the Soviet era. Anjel Van Slyke and Connal Hughes of A Dangerous Business visited the facility, p...

30+ Weird, Geeky and Cool Wedding Cakes

If you want to make your wedding day one to remember, why not take a part of it and make it unique, an expression of your personality or interests? The wedding cake is an artful way to do that without affecting the c...

Platform Shoes in History

The lady shown here is wearing "chopines", or platform shoes. Chopines were worn in the Middle Ages to keep feet and dress hems out of the dust and mud. They also came to represent class, as a taller woman was obviou...

Budget Cuts in the Arts

You'll get a kick out of this public service announcement urging British citizens to support publicly funded arts programs, by David Shrigley, who also brought us Pringle of Scotland. The government has proposed a 25...

Boyz N the Ring

(Video Link) Boyz N the Ring is a parody of The Lord of the Rings in which gangsta hobbits help Gandalf defeat the ambitions of Sauron. It was created by the comedy troupe Pistol Shrimps. Content...

What, Me Worry?

The following is an article from Uncle John's Legendary Lost Bathroom Reader. Mad magazine has a place in American pop culture as one of the most successful humor magazines ever published. It's also...

Killer Bunny Slippers

These ain't your grandma's bunny slippers! These are the Killer Rabbit slippers (yes, of Monty Python and the Holy Grail) from the NeatoShop. Where's that Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch when you need one?The perfe...

Ant Death Spiral

The vortex of ants, called the ant death spiral by some, is a circular mill where a group of ants (sometimes hundreds to millions of ants) get separated from the main swarm and ended up following each other's scent in a...


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