While Obama laments the slow economic recovery here in the United States, Russian's finance minister has got his own idea on the perfect stimulus deal:
Russia's finance minister has urged his countrymen and women to support the country - by drinking and smoking more.
Alexei Kudrin called for increased consumption of tobacco and alcohol in a bid to boost the state's revenues, reports Metro.
"If you smoke a pack of cigarettes, that means you are giving more to help solve social problems," commented Kudrin.
"People should understand: Those who drink, those who smoke are doing more to help the state."
Comments (20)
Hey harleyrider1978 how much did the tobacco industry payed you? lets face it people smoke because they want to get their fix of nicotine, nicotine is adictive as heroin and those who dont smoke are not obliged to inhale not even a nanogram of nicotine because if it gets to the brain will produce dependence. If only you nicotine-addicts could only suck up all the cigarette's smoke and leave the rest of the world alone... or try the nicotine chewing gum, oh i forgot tobacco leaves have specific nitrosamines (NNK).
As one of your sugar daddies said back in the 60's "due to the vast organic material carcinogens produced during the pirolisys process is very unlikely to develop a safe way to smoke tobacco" (British American Tobacco - 1965).
And by the way if the World Health Organization - WHO lies about Second Hand Smoke and the scientists who study it I hope you didn't vaccinated your children or
accept a common surgery procedure or your doctors prescription because is the WHO who regulates that too!
Or do we only accept what is convenient to us?