Stormy Weather

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This brief CCTV footage taken inside a Pacific Sun cruise ship during stormy weather seems humorous at the beginning, but ultimately serves as a stark reminder of the dangers that can be encountered in such situations.

Another video documents equally frightening events on the ship's lower cargo deck.  This article reports that the injuries received by the passengers "included broken ribs and limbs, a fractured pelvis, a broken collar bone, and cuts and gashes."  In compensation, the cruise line "was offering passengers 25 per cent off the price of any future cruise they took."

Via Reddit.

Comments (18)

WOW!!!! I would think there would be rules about anchoring furniture and other heavy items to the floors just for this type of thing.... hmmmm....

"I'm the king of the woooooorrrrlll.... o crap.... help... man over board"......
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I know we're like... supreme upright beings of teh universe... but c'mon. In situations like that, Get low and start crawling ffs. Gravity is not your friend.
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Anyone else reminded of the cruse ship level in Mario Kart? The one where you have to drive through the dinning room at the right time or the tables slide and hit you.
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25% of future cruises? That is a freaking JOKE! They would still make a profit out of those poor people with another cruise. As mentioned, if their furniture was anchored, there wouldn't have been as many injuries. I'm guessing though that they probably freed themselves of any responsibility of injury in the fine print. However they could have at least refunded 25% of the ticket cost as a sign of goodwill.
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I was on a Mexican Riviera cruise on 9-11-01. That night in the showroom we were observing a moment of silence for the horrific events of that morning when the ship started to tilt to the left, more and more and more until glasses were sliding off tables...I think at its greatest it was a 30 degree angle, and the ship was soon righted, but you can imagine what fear there was. After all, if the Twin Towers could be toppled, what disasters couldn't happen? Some people sat all night in the foyers with their lifejackets on, just in case. And I heard tell of one couple who bailed out at the next port of call vowing to go back home by more conventional means--except the travel freezes prevented that, and they had to somehow scramble to the following port of call and crawl back on ship.
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Shouldn't the captain come on the intercom in such situations and warn people to prepare for a jolt, or at least random jolts? If so, the passengers are at fault.. but perhaps it was a rogue wave type situation, but surely the bridge is stationed high enough that the captain can see such things from far far away..

As far as the crew, they should know it's risky regardless
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Poseidon Adventure!

A cruise never seemed like a great vacation to me. Is there anything on a cruise that I can't get at a regular travel destination? I understand I can stop at more ports but, I dunno. Seems like I'd rather spend the time in one place and explore at my lesiure.
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"This brief CCTV footage taken inside a Pacific Sun cruise ship during stormy weather seems humorous at the beginning..."

Are you kidding? It gets funnier every second!
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I want to know what happened to that poor woman (black outfit) who smacked face-first into the post. Is she OK?

Couldn't help but notice that the bus-boy is the only one who seemed to have decent sea-legs.
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Since sailing as a mate on ships this size is what I do for a living, I just find this funny, simply because most of the time cruise ships just don't hit seas like this and when they do they are built to be much more stable (usually extra wing ballast tanks and stabilizers) than cargo ships like the ones I sail on. On all of the cargo ships I have sailed on almost everything including furniture has a way of being anchored down, but cruise ships don't do that because the expense of doing that as well as lack of aesthetics for the customers. There are many other reasons cruise companies don't anchor things like furniture, but it is unfortunate to see in this situation when a ship did hit big seas, and no it doesn't take a rogue wave to do this, just heavy seas hitting the ship in the right place.
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Perhaps they should offer a cruise that has all decks padded, all furniture soft, etc. then sail it in rough seas allla time! Adrenal Cruise Lines.
The Drake Passage & Cape of Good Hope Adventure!!

@Rachel of Cyberia-That's a boatload of disembodied spirits!
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At least they could have anchored that one shelf - it looked bigger than a piano.

That was quite the face plant that one woman did. "Here's a discount on your next cruise. Missing some teeth? Have a coupon for 10 free minutes in the spa."
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