How do you know that you're married to a geek dad? Kathy Ceceri of the new (and very enjoyable) Geek Mom blog (yes, the "better half" of Ken Denmead's popular Geek Dad blog) writes:
Not all GeekMoms are married to GeekDads. And GeekDad-ism, like many things, exists on a continuum from “enjoyed the first Star Wars movie” to “named his first daughter Leia.” Even though my husband falls somewhere in-between, his latent GeekDad tendencies are obvious. Here’s my Top 10 Ways to Know You’re Married to a GeekDad:
5. The ornaments on your Christmas tree consist of Romulan Warbirds, shuttlecraft, and Borg cubes. [...]
7. He’ll patiently spend an hour building a tower for your four-year-old Superman to break down – and then comfort him when it collapses prematurely.
9. Your kids’ college fund consists of a trunkful of first issues of his favorite comic books.
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