Bad puppy? How about bad puppy owner? Zeng Ziguang of Wuchang, Hebei Province, China, has taught his puppy to smoke:
He now claims the dog is addicted to tobacco and gets through a packet of cigarettes a day.
"He hated the smell of smoke to begin with. But I trained him to get used to it by blowing smoke at him," said Zeng.
"Gradually Blackie got used to the smell and I started putting the lit cigarette into his mouth. Each time he did that, I would reward him with food."
I suppose in some cultures this isn't seen as very distasteful.
Man's best friend doesn't deserve this.
- some stand up comic
Morrisey needs to hit Hanoi and try a couple of great restaurants who know how to prepare dog properly.
you sir, are an a$$hole.
a dog lover (and his four dogs).