Cathy of Olds Nighty-Eight made a Star Wars-themed blueberry pie for her young son using cookie cutters as molds:
Danny's most recent request was to bake some doodleberry pie. Obviously, we didn't have any doodleberries handy. We went to Costco and bought blueberries instead. He said that would be fine. I knew pie would be ok to bake because I don't really like pie. It wouldn't be much of a temptation to eat the whole thing. Plus, I've never baked a pie from scratch. We both win. He gets pie. I get to stop saying I've never baked a pie from scratch before
I don't know what a doodleberry is but I'm afraid to Google it and find out.
Link via Great White Snark
Comments (7)
+1 bad reference joke.
the entire geek chic is starting to become overwhelming.