Shomer-Tec has a page of merchandise for sale called "Revenge Products." There are gadgets that disable electronics or just annoy people, and bottles of nasty things like Liquid Roadkill.
I wouldn't use this on my worst enemy. Link -via J-Walk Blog
These "special ingredients" are just what you may need in some "special situations". Manufactured under contract by DSG Laboratories to fulfill the occasional unusual operational requirement of CIA and other federal agents, these products are now available for non-governmental sale. Use only with utmost discretion.
Before you use this incredibly foul putrifier, take a moment to reflect on all the roadkill left out in the scorching sun. With this nice little vial, you now have the ability to creatively re-create this special odor at a time and place of your choosing.
I wouldn't use this on my worst enemy. Link -via J-Walk Blog
include this and a few other sites I know of
one can get into serious trouble
personally I like the "SONIC NAUSEA" gizmo my self
Especially considering my neighbour has a penchant for waking me up in the morning by blasting techno.
Liquid Key Scratch:
This stuff has an insatiable appetite for automobile paint. $11.00 per tiny bottle.
or you can buy some generic brake fluid for $3.00/pint.