20 Experiences to Try Before you Die

Everyone should have a personal bucket list. Once in a lifetime events like skydiving or attending the olympics or even visting the Titanic first-hand are all things all of us CAN do... if we so desired. I haven't done many of the ones on this list (except for Comic-Con, awesome, by the way) but that certainly doesn't mean I won't get to them in the future. Check out this great list of 20 Experiences to Have Before you Die and see which ones you can already cross off your own bucket list. Have you tried skydiving?
Sky-diving is the closest we humans will come to taking flight (at least right now)…so why not experience it? Sky-diving schools are located all around the country and provide an exhilarating, and safe, journey into thewild, blue yonder.

Of course, this list is highly subjective. What would you add to it? Link

From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by divinediva.

its very rare that article from queuebot will get to the frontpage nowadays..looks more tougher than what I think..just checked on top submitter column..you'll find only a few stuff get published for this month..sad, queuebot not a 'Hot' item anymore..checked on items sent by neatronaout daily, sometimes less than one page!
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I've gone skydiving (love it until the parachute opens - then I get nauseous) and whitewater rafting. I can ride a horse (really?).

There are a few other things I'm planning on trying (hot air balloon, martial arts) but I really couldn't care less about spending $40K and strapping myself into a claustrophobic little box to see a ship wreck. No. Thank. You.

I'm also never going to run a marathon. Where is scuba diving, hang gliding, and hiking the Grand Canyon?
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That's the lamest, most obvious list I could ever imagine. How about this, you suburban housewives:

Shoot heroine
Sneak across the jungle border into North Korea
Stay for a week in an abandoned building in St. Petersburg
Volunteer to help dig up and identify the bodies in mass burial graves in Kosovo
Go to Antarctica for six months as a cook in the station's rec room
Give up every single thing that you own and live for a while as a ascetic

There are many others that a thinking person older than the age of 12 might think up.
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Sleep with a rock star
Live in a country where you don't know the language
Write a book
Join the Peace Corps
Raise someone else's child
Donate blood and bone marrow
Ride an elephant
Spend a little time in jail
Volunteer at a soup kitchen
Buy a house
Drive cross country on the backroads
Speak to a crowd onstage
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Yeah, that was more like a list of "some cool stuff that we've heard about doing." I'm sure swimming with dolphins is really cool, but it doesn't strike me as a necessary life-achievement.
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I'm seriously confounded as to how this made it to the front page, but I've had fun ranting about it. My friend Frayn said, "This looks like the blueprint for a chick flick if I ever saw one. I believe checking things off this particular Suck-It list is what Stella did to, in fact, get her groove back."

I love Neatorama and rarely comment one way or another but this just chaps my hide ~ queuebot needs some fine tuning.
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