Dog Yoga

(Video Link)

Yoga instructor Leeta Koontz suggests that yoga may be helpful for your dog. Urlesque has a roundup of her trippy videos, the first of which talks about the spiritual connection between you and your dog. The above video specifically addresses placing your dog in the Downward Facing Dog yoga position.

Link | Previously: Dog Yoga in Japan

Comments (11)

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Down dog is the best transitional pose. I always thought I was doing it right, but then I saw Leeann Carey’s free yoga video on hands-on adjustments, and it REALLY improved my form. Thought your readers could benefit too:
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Will someone tell this new age airhead that this "posture" is a doggie play bow? My retriever does it voluntarily every day.

I bet she also thinks dogs are telepathic and descended from Atlantians. Whetever she knows about yoga, she knows didley squat about canines.
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