Beer Bottle/Musical Instrument

Tuned Pale Ale is a product by designer Matt Braun. There's a musical scale down the side of each bottle. You can drink down to a particular level, blow on rim, and the bottle will play a note. If you get a few people together with these bottles, you'll be able to perform a melody. Braun writes:

This product aims to promote more of this type of social interaction. This product aims to inform users about the musical qualities of existing bottles and to make the bottle a better instrument.

Link via Gizmodo | Photo: Tuned Pale Ale

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Ha, love it! I always blow across the top of my beer bottles. The kids love it. Now I can tune them! Of course, it would be rocket science to get any bottle of beer into a correct set of pitches with anything from an electric tuner to a piano or a guitar (and your ear).

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Musicians will buy and try this for sure. Wouldn't it be great to create instant music while you're drunk and sober? That'll be totally fun!
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