Why do men ogle? It's not their fault. They can't help it. Blame biology instead:
You're at a café with the woman in your life when your eyes move inexorably toward another woman walking by.
In one-fifth of a second, before the conscious mind has had a chance to react, the male brain has rendered judgment on whether the oncoming stranger is sexually hot.
If the ruling is favourable, physical manifestations are immediate.
Pupils dilate, heart rate spikes, testosterone surges and the eyes assume a vacant stare — sure signs that the “man trance” has set in.
For genetically preprogrammed men, the offence is as involuntary and natural as breathing, says brain researcher, neuropsychiatrist and author Louann Brizendine, whose book, The Male Brain, mounts a unique defence for such male indiscretions.
We are more visual, more driven to sexual pursuit and more predisposed to cheat than women, she writes.
-Is she a he? I am confused...
Even if this were true (and I am doubtful), the implication that it excuses unwanted behavior, such as cheating on a spouse, is bogus. Pedophiles, for example, can't help being sexually attracted to children; it really is an unfortunate situation for them that they must always fight what they naturally desire. However, that does not excuse them when they act on their impulses. No one would claim that a pedophile just "can't help" raping children, and therefore should be excused whenever he does so. Does wanting something (even if you want it really, really badly) justify the taking of it? Of course not.
In the end, I also think it's pretty insulting to act as if men are automatons completely beholden to their biology. I guess people find it attractive because it allows them not to have to feel personally responsible (or guilty) for their actions, but it also removes individuality and free will.
If she looks great, she may be ugly to the bone anyway.
Nowhere in the source article does it say that looks are the only thing that matter.
Ogling isn't Bad Behvior, it's normal. Isn't this glaringly obvious?
And women do it all the time, too.
-They're just more subtle about it.
The only people worried about men ogling are women who are hyper-competitive and insecure.
If any of you think your (or anyone else's) behavior is 100% consciously-directed 100% of the time, you're kidding yourselves.
+Btw, it's The Same Thing for women! -If any of you think that a woman doesn't know on a subconscious level whether she's attracted to a guy she sees in under 3 seconds, you're also kidding yourselves.
God, just chill out with the extremist comparisons and enjoy life already.
If everybody thought like the foregoing commenters, the human race would've gone extinct a few millenia ago.
-Is she a he? I am confused...
I'm so glad someone else is questioning this, too!
-Is she a he? I am confused...
No, but the person who posted this (Alex) is, presumably, a man.
I think my eyes glazed over at the pedantry.
@Will L Calm down. The only 'extremist' here is you.