Old and busted: shark cage
The new hotness: croc cage
Here's a new tourist attraction: the Cage of Death over at the Crocosaurus Cove park in Darwin, Australia:
Fearless participants climb into the clear container - nicknamed the Cage of Death - which is suspended on a monorail track that runs above four crocodile enclosures. Two grated doors lock into position on the top of the 10ft tall box which is then lowered into the water and comes to rest 2ft beneath the surface.
To ensure that the paying customers get their money's worth, chunks of meat are tied to the bottom of the cage. The crocodiles instantly drawn to it when it enters the water. The results vary from the crocs 'eye-balling' the swimmer, rubbing against the cage or going into a full on 'aggressive attack' against it.
Comments (4)
Locked doors on top - check
Suspended 2ft below surface - check
20 minute "tour" - check
Sounds like a pretty foolproof way to drown all your paying customers - since none of the photos show any type of scuba gear or breathing apparatus.
thing is, I'd rather do this than a shark cage...
I see a Darwin Award coming soon.