Mark Zable figured out a way to deep fry beer in batter pockets and will debut the results at the next Texas State Fair:
Link via Geekologie | Photo: ABC News
"Someone needs to figure out a way to fry beer," he thought.
Zable started experimenting. But the beer-and-dough concoction kept exploding once it hit the fryer. He kept getting burned.
So he consulted with a food scientist – still, no luck.
Then, earlier this year, he finally found the recipe for success. Now Zable keeps the process shrouded in secrecy and has applied for a Fried Beer patent and trademark.
Link via Geekologie | Photo: ABC News
Comments (11)
You will have to be 21 to buy this product because its going to be regulated by TABC. He only cooks it for like 20 seconds.
I've always believed that there is a pork chop in every can and now I can eat my beer? AWESOME!
Although cooking (especially baking) is indeed chemistry - looking to food sites for your chemistry "facts" is pretty iffy.
At one atmosphere - ethanol boils at 78°C (172°F) so for NORMAL cooking, where the items are being heated (i.e. baked or simmered) it's unlikely to boil off all (or significant) amounts of alcohol (at that temperature, you'd dry whatever food stock you're cooking down to a greasy smear before evaporating off all the alcohol).
Deep frying is another matter. Assuming they're using the oh so healthy Canola oil (it is a State Fair after all) which has a smoke point of242°C (468°F).
So you can bet your Billy Beer Baseball Cap that most/all of the alcohol (and probably most of the liquid beer itself) in the deep fried beer is boiled far far away.
And since I'm already typing, I'd like to say I've been reading this news all over lately and find it incredibly annoying that nobody can get the name of the fair right. (It's the State Fair of Texas, not the Texas State Fair.)