Amputee ‘may get better’

Twenty-seven-year-old Johno Lee, a British veteran of the war in Afghanistan, applied for and was denied a disabled parking permit three times. Meanwhile, he racked up £800 in fines for parking in reserved spots so he could unload his wheelchair.
Lance-corporal Lee, from Coddington, said when he first applied to Nottinghamshire County Council for a blue badge he was advised he was young and ‘may get better.’

His right leg was amputated below the knee after he was caught up in an explosion in Helmand Province in 2008.

He said: “I replied that they possibly didn’t quite understand the situation and that I thought it unlikely that my leg would grow back.

After the local newspaper the Newark Advertiser heard of his story, a reporter contacted officials who are now looking into the matter. The fines already levied against Lee have been rescinded. Link -via Arbroath

When I saw British I knew exactly what was going to happen. They are too predictable. According to his government he already served his purpose and does not care anymore since to them he is no productive for them. Soon our government will be the same.
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Okay, with everything terrible that happens in the United States (and I agree, there's a lot; sometimes the UK seems so much more...civilized), but I just can't see this happening here. Who knows though, maybe I'm just being naive. Here's to hoping he gets his permit, or if that doesn't happen, maybe that city council knows something about limb-growing that we don't.
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I'm not all that suprised given the current Con/Lib alliance's war on benefits. They probably saw he was young and just rejected it straight away. Calculated evil isnt a patch on simple beaurocracy.
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Are you ****** kidding me?! He's going to "get better"?! Are they high?! And yet you see women all over the place who can't walk properly because they're too fat, so they get their handicapped parking permits. What is wrong with the world?
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