Victory Through Air Power

(You Tube Link)

See the last few minutes of Walt Disney's “Victory Through Air Power”,  a WWII propaganda film that shows a Japanese octopus battling an American eagle. Spoiler: the eagle wins.


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So the lesson that can be gleaned from this short clip is to never feed cephalopod to your bird of prey or else it will grow to such a size that its wingspan dwarfs the diameter of the whole earth?
Got it. Logged away in the 'ole memory banks.
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My dad fought in the Pacific and I'm glad he made it home or I would not be here. However, like all propaganda, it twists the truth in terms of the bombing. The fire bombing of Tokyo was a systematic destruction of homes and the women, children, old people and anything else which were in them, it was more about breaking the will of the people than it was about destroying ships and factories.
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