Facial Jewelry

Jewelry on your fingers are so passé. Here's the cutting edge: facial jewelry by Turkish designer Burcu Büyükünal.

Whether you think facial jewelry improves your looks or cause what looks like uncomfortable swelling, one thing's for sure: it certainly draws attention to your face.

I can hear Ahnold say it: It's not a tumah! It's facial jewelry: Link

I think people are missing the point. It's not supposed to be attractive. It even says in the article that this is designed as a sort of commentary on how stupid plastic surgery is. You did read the article... right?
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I hate fashion designers. "Look, I wrapped a girl's head in saran wrap! Ummmm, it's a, uh, commentary, on, uh, the unfair standards of beauty in the western world! Yeah, that's it. And now, check out my clothing line of fish-nets on eighty-pound waifs!"
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