Cruelty Caught on Tape

(YouTube link)

Lola just wanted to make friends, but ended up stuck in a trash bin for 15 hours before her owners, Darryl Mann and Stephanie Andrews-Mann found her. Their CCTV footage shows how she got there. Link -via reddit

Update: The woman in the video has been identified. -Thanks, oezicomix!

That's f'ed up. I don't think I'd categorize it as a "prank" so much as animal cruelty. That fat broad oughta be dropped into a dumpster for 15 hours as penance.
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Stop promoting IGNORANCE

A prank must have some sort of trigger where a person with a perfect personality and morals wouldn't fall for it. Everything you might try to do to a kitten isn't a prank because there really aren't human character flaws present.

If you knew what a prank was you'd be able to see cruelty when you see it. Imagine that kitten drowning in garbage juice with a bag of trash on top of it.
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This is NOT A PRANK!!! I hope there's a special corner of hell for this woman. I am not an animal fanatic. I eat meat, but I also love my cats and I would be prone to violence if someone did this to one of my babies. I'm disappointed you posted this as if it was a fun, jaunty silly video. It's awful!
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For once I hope this turns out to be an Internet marketing thing gone awry. I mean, I know England is blanketed with CCTV cameras, but this one seems too perfectly focused on a trash bin.
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This has apparently appeared on the major television news channels in the UK now. I suspect this vile creature is shaking in its boots for the retaliation which will likely be coming forthwith.
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I am appalled at this woman's behavior. That is obvious a very sweet and loving cat to let a stranger pet it and this woman turns around and quite possibly kills it. Being dumped into a trash compactor is near-certain death. She didn't even have any instinctual reaction of doing that, such as having been scratched or bitten. She simply decided to be a right @#&&$&*@*&#*&@&*#*&@.
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I don't wish harm on this woman, but I also don't want to see any more cats get hurt. She needs to be made to understand that what she did was cruel, and if necessary, to understand why cruelty is wrong. I understand these things, so there's no reason that she can't learn the same. Of course, in her case, said learning may involve being trapped in a dark, smelly place.
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If you have to look around to see if someone's going to see you doing something- then just don't do it. What is so hard about that? And what is missing in people that they can't not do something like this. Pet the kitty and then trap it. Jerk.
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Well, this pissed me off. Sure, there's worse things that a person could do to an animal, but there's was just no reason for that. As Hedwig said - if you are looking around for observers, you probably need a morals check.

Poor cat. Arg, what is wrong with this person.
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This is terrible, that woman is a sociopathic freak who should be hunted down and punished to the full extent of the law and then shunned by society. I'll bet she lives in that neighborhood, somebody with some time on their hands should stake the area out and follow her home and post it on the internet so everybody knows where to dump their dirty litter boxes.
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@jenjen It was a private CC camera the homeowners set up because of drivers hitting their car and driving away.
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Wow, all these angry comments and not a single one complaining that this video isn't "neat". This women is going to have a mob on her back, and she'll probably end up in police custody to prevent her from being lynched.
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This is why you don't let cats roam around outdoors. HUMANS exist and they all don't love cats as much as we do.
Cats don't have supernatural spidy senses. They are in constant risk of weaving through dangerous traffic, avoiding the wrong type of humans, getting into territorial wars with other cats, accidentally poo'ing in the wrong garden (and making someone angry), and who knows what else.
So many risks that outweigh a lofty idea of "freedom" for kitty. You might as well be saying goodbye forever to your cat every day you open the outside door for it.
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This video made me sick to my stomach. Why are people so senselessly cruel? I wish I could believe this was just a prank for the camera...
People who hurt animals for fun often have sociopathic tendencies and are a danger to humans too, not just animals like that poor sweet cat. I hope they catch this woman.
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I don't know how people do these kind of things. The cat wasn't hurting her in any way. It was letting her pet it. And she decided to drop it in a trash bin. WTF.
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that woman need to rot in hell, and i dont mean fire and brimstone, she needs to be locked up in the dark surrounded by dirty diapers, vomit from the party the night before and used condoms for the rest of time. what a f*ck!! she need to be brought up on charges of animal cruelty, like now!
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Hey guess what. I do wish harm upon this human piece of refuse. The tolerance of abusers is what keeps them going. Anyone who does something so ugly to another life is deserving of whatever horror is dished their way.
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You know, I wouldn't want to work with, or be related to, this woman, There is something really nasty inside here that she let out when she thought no-one was looking. I wouldn't trust her further than I could spit.
And Miscellania - ok, you changed the title and apologised, but i's pretty disturbing that you could EVER have thought of it as a "prank." Perhaps you're not clear on the use of the word.
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Snarlz is right. Even without humans, this can be a cruel and violent world, and a house cat's instincts have been dulled to the potential dangers that lay outside. I have made the mistake of letting my cats play outside unattended, and have lost two that way. My current cats still get to play outside in the back yard, but always attended. Domestic cats are just too trusting of not only people, but other potentially dangerous and deadly animals. If you love you pet, be it a cat, dog or other, invest the time to spend with it outside, or make it a strictly indoor pet.

There is no greater heartbreak than hindsight, realizing you could have prevented your own pet's death.

And while we're at it, why do I know lots of "dog people" who hate cats, but I've never met a "cat person" who hates dogs? (When I say hate, I don't mean dislike, I mean hate as in "think they are nothing but vermin"). I've never been able to figure that one out.
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John B.-
It was a simple misuse of the word. I have seen many a post from Miss Cellania and never have I ever caught anything from her that even mildly suggested a mental disturbance. Calm down.

As for the video, yeah it's cruel. People are messed up and it's no big shock to me. Maybe it was fake. Maybe the woman was just really stupid. Maybe she had mental issues. But I don't think all of these punishments everyone is shouting out are really necessary. Talk about cruelty to fellow man.
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Totally agree with Snarlz.
I'll never have an outdoor cat. NEVER. You see too many cats dead on the side of the road, I wouldn't want to worry about that happening to my own pet.
And don't get me started on what cats do to wildlife.

With that being said though.... poor kitty.
I hope that heifer is found and thrown in to prison. MAN people really make me sick sometimes.
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To the Miss Cellania Bashers--- Please direct your anger at that cat-torturer and not at the one who brings that news to your attention.
Go to her Blog and you'll see that she has a way to play with language. Nothing wrong with her- only a sharp mind that sometimes explores the reaches of the use of language.

"Cruel Joke" or "Cruel Prank" is used by far more people as a euphemism, a conscious heavy understatement of what is really meant.
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what this points up is the fact that ordinary people do cruel things...the only reason this one was caught was because of serendipitous security camera...think of all the things people do that aren't caught...and they go on about their ordinary lives like nothing happened
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Thank you, Oezicomix, for the update. I honestly hope that she ends up slapped with a fine and getting some counseling because this sort of behaviour is reprehensible.
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@Snarlz, @Error94, @LisaL

I understand the sentiment of keeping indoor-only cats, but remember not everyone lives in the city or even near roads. We have a couple indoor-outdoor cats and a couple indoor-only cats. The ones that go outdoors rarely even leave our back lot. I go out there and whistle and I can count on one hand the number of times they both didn't come bounding out of the bushes to greet me.

It was a natural evolution of who became outdoor cats and who didn't, those who were constant in their attempts to escape evetually evolved to go outdoors at night, and meow and cry if the door isn't opened to allow them to do so. The other two never had any desire to go outside and so, they don't. I don't feel there is any disservice being done to either.
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I knew there were a lot of cat ladies on Neatorama but 47 comments...really?

How exactly would that cat have died? These garbage binsare not exactly hermetically sealed and a full bin's worth should carry at least a day's worth of oxygen. Plus, if there was any food in there, the cat had stuff to eat. Unless the owner decides not to look for the cat or doesn't hear the noise coming from the bin (or anyone for that matter), I don't see how this could have been anything more than psychological cruelty.

Also, we don't know what preceded this. A neighbor's cat managed to get into my apartment once and ate one of my guinea pigs. If I would have caught the cat in the act you can bet I would have done a hell of a lot worse than throw it in the trash.
Or maybe the cat has been taking toxoplasmosis-infected dumps in her daughter's sandbox...who knows...
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Oh, and keeping your cats locked indoors is not for the cat's sake as the cat would much rather be free to roam and risk danger than be in solitary confinement its entire life. People who keep cats indoor are doing it for the same reason as Wolfgang Priklopil did. They are control freaks and can't deal with the thought of losing their little animal slaves.
People who keep their cats indoor should be charged with animal cruelty, same as someone who keeps his/her children locked up.

And I'm saying that as someone who has suffered from people letting their cats roam wherever they want.
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How would the cat have died? Ever read about stupid people leaving their pets in cars and they roast to death? They had air to breathe, BTW. That kitten could easily have died from heat stroke had the temperature outside been a bit higher. Plastic garbage bins and metal ones can generate a lot of inside heat from the sun shining on them.
The cat also could have died had it been dumped into a trash compacter truck.
But I don't need to go on with examples. Suffice it to say that the woman was wrong to do what she did and there are enough angry "cat people" out there who now know where she lives. She's even asked for police protection! hah! Karma at it's finest!!
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"She's even asked for police protection! hah! Karma at it's finest!!"

I see that now, she's basically Adolf Eichmann in a white t-shirt and the outrage is entirely warranted.
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I need to go cuddle with my kitties. This made me so upset.

You know, I just can't see why she even bothered to pet the poor thing. She made friends with it just to do something evil. I think there's a special place reserved for her in the next world.
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Re: "barkbark"
"control freaks and can't deal with the thought of losing their little animal slaves."
"People who keep their cats indoor should be charged with animal cruelty"

Is this a lame troll, or are you really so out of touch with reality that you actually believe that tripe you wrote?

I rescued my cat from a neighborhood overrun with strays... and coyotes. The coyotes used to kill cats, dogs, skunks and any other animal unfortunate enough to cross their paths. You'd find dead animal carcasses just about every 5 houses or so in the summer. I took her in, gave her a safe home, food, medical care, grooming, chairs to ruin, toys to play with and all the love and affection she can handle, expecting nothing in return. I don't let her out of the house because if I do, she will die. She was a suspicious, scared, and bitey semi-feral stray when I took her in, and it took about 4 years to earn her trust and start to see behavior that you'd expect out of a hand-raised kitten. 10 years later, she seems extremely happy and well-adjusted, and I wouldn't trade her companionship for anything.

How does any of that make me a "control freak" or this cat my "animal slave?" I've been a vegetarian for 25 years, but I really hate that kind of smug uber-PETA-hippy buzz-phrase BS, it's such a gross generalization. Perhaps using it is just a way for you to feel superior to someone else because you have deliberately alienated yourself from "mainstream society" for so long that no man or animal will seek out your company? Or maybe you're one of those reactionary, mindless followers of the accepted, conformist "alternative" "underground" populated by people who try so very hard to be different that they all look and sound the same; parroting the latest trendy catchwords and latching on to every impotent cause du jour as long as it's on a flyer using an "edgy" font and some "revolutionary" clip art. Go back to twisting your dirty dreadlocks and complaining about how "the man" is keeping you down with his "animal slaves," or peeking out of your windows in a paranoid sweat, worried that someone's cat is going to pee in your bushes, or, you know, whatever your problem is, because you do have one.

I'm from the internet, and we love cats, and you sound like a poseur.
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I know it's horribly cruel and all but reading the comments on here (and elsewhere) you'd think she was a child molesting monster!

Get some perspective people, it's a vat. Besides, she could be deranged and in need of help herself. God help anyone who messes with the Internet's most precious resource, eh?
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I don't know how some people seem to think this is a less-than-horrible act. Some people say those of us who would like to see her severely punished are overreacting. I feel like she should be jailed for about 45 days for this act. I feel like someone who kicks a child, even in jest, should be jailed for longer. People who behave like this are rarely one-and-done kind of people. They habitually do this kind of crap and make the world a worse place for it.
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God, stop letting your domesticated cats go outside. They don't know enough to stay away from dangerous things. A cat doesn't know the difference between a friendly person and one who's going to throw rocks at it until it's too late.

Not to mention that some people just don't like cats. I don't like them and next time Cheapo from next door wanders into my apartment complex again I'm going to bring him to the SPCA. He's cute, but I hate the way he's been peeing on my doorstep.
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Cruelty is cruelty whatever species you perpetrate it against. Yes, it was a cat. Why does that mean people are allowed to be hurtful to it? For those of you using the, "it's not like it was a child" defense, what makes you think a person who is willing to commit atrocities on an animal won't do the same to a human - or hasn't already?
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Reading all the comments makes me sick to see the hatred of people towards this woman. I agree, what she's done is horrible - I have an outdoor cat of my own and care for it dearly and would have never done that to any animal, but I still understand the difference between a cat and a human being. Why doesn't anyone care so much about human beings as they do for their pets? Why do we turn away when people are mobbed and molested and harassed but are ready to punish and torture even to death someone who hates cats? I say people are the most selcouth creatures on this planet.

Watch this video on how even the best people can turn into monsters:
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