This is a photo of the Myers family posing in front of the Wisconsin State Capitol in Madison. In a background is a thief taking their stuff.
We then started to walk away when I realized my bag was missing. I went inside the building to see if someone had turned it in, but no luck. I ran outside and circled the building, but still no luck.
I then realized that I might have caught the thief on camera and I checked the shot again. When I saw the guy with his hand in my bag, I ran back inside and found the Capitol Police. They were amazing. They immediately sent out a description of the thief using the photo I took. In a few minutes, one officer had found him still in the area.
And off he went to jail. You can view a close-up shot at the link.
Link | Photo: Gizmodo
And not saying that it's right what the guy did, but why the hell did they leave their bag sitting on the step to begin with?