From crabs to geckos, when it comes to repairing skin, scientists are finding inspiration in the oddest places. Even sound and electricity are being used to help the human body heal faster. Popular Mechanics has a list of 7 bandages that are on the cutting (or is it healing?) edge of biotechnology.
(Image credit: Kathy Atkinson, University of Delaware)
From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by djinny.
Their work has lead to wound dressings that dramatically speed clotting, prevent scar formation or encourage healing, as well as new interventions that don't look anything like your childhood Band-Aids. In many cases, the new bandages look deceptively low-tech. Some of them are already in use, but the incredible new technologies may not even be visible to the patients who wear them.
(Image credit: Kathy Atkinson, University of Delaware)
From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by djinny.
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But what if you want to keep your scars? I gained mine by doing many stupid, naive, immature and embarrassing things. I'm proud of that.
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