Woman Quits Job with White Board

Allegedly, the above photo is one of thirty-three that a woman named Jenny emailed to her co-workers as her resignation letter. Her boss, Spencer, installed Internet usage monitoring software on the company's computers. Jenny had access to it, so she decided to let her co-workers know what Spencer was looking at on the Internet.

Link via Geekosystem | Previously: Flight Attendant Quits While on Plane, Bails Using Emergency Slide

UPDATE: It's a hoax.

I don't like this. It's not very clever. The expressions made me dislike her. Too cutesy. And vindictive as well.

If you don't like your boss there's no need to be asshole about it.
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She doesn't seem too bright. Her boss called her a HOPA and so three or four pictures later she decides this means Hot Piece Of Ass. Err, that's HPOA not HOPA. Shrug, hopa or happa is usually a term for some one who is half Asian half Caucasian. Dunno, she doesn't look hopa to me but if she is I'm sure she could have a case for discrimination. Incidentally, if he just has facebook up with farmvile it might record him as on it even if isn't actually currently playing.
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If she was older, not as attractive, gay, and worked for an airline she would have been arrested.

Sorry but this person seems to not have been clever enough for the job she charmed her way into.

Hope she finds a job that doesn't tax her beautiful mind.
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All the comments on the original post on TheChive and the repost on Mashable are in favor of this young lady. 4/5 comments on Neatorama are negative... XD

You be Trollin folks!
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I've been made redundant before and on leaving shook the hands of bosses I wouldn't pee on if they were on fire, just because I know you don't burn your bridges. The tech industry is just way too small to be an ass about things. You've just gotta hope you'll be their boss one day :)
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I hope it's real. I have to believe in burning a bridge or two in life. You can't always just sit there and take it and the comment and the situation were true I'm glad she did something about it.

Regardless of how she sounds, I bet you money her boss is no prize either.
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These people do what I'm too gutless to do myself. There is always "that one job" that everyone wishes they had just burned the bridge.
If it gets enough press, she'll get a modeling contract or something. Maybe with careerbuilder.com, hahaha...
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It's called passive-aggressive. Frankly, her workplace is probably better off without her smug attitude.

Doesn't matter if her boss is an idiot - she just showed her lack of class.

And maybe this appeals to a different demographic than Neatorama readers. Just calling everyone who doesn't agree with your attitude a troll is trolling in itself.
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My guess is that she was inspired by this: http://digital-photography-school.com/how-to-get-your-camera-back-when-you-lose-it

Same principle. She probably enjoyed it lifted the idea.

Why do this over email? Well, facial expressions for one thing. They deliver more of what you are actually feeling.

I side with her. Burning a few bridges along the way isn't the smartest thing to do, but sometimes it's the right thing to do.

I've been in workplaces equally as degrading for different reasons, and there has been at least one that I walked out on in the middle of a meeting (rehired by someone in that meeting at a later date in a different division).

I suppose for me I wonder just how bad the abusive environment is that she felt that doing this was only appropriate level of response to the situation. I've watched people who would have easily been justified with this level of response leave normally with a resignation letter and then get treated like they were being fired, so for those of you here lucky enough to work somewhere that's decent enough that you find this to be a hyperbolic overreaction just count yourselves lucky that you're not in a place that makes you ever feel like this is the level of response necessary just to leave.
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Though I don't normally think burning bridges is a good idea, sometimes you just reach that point. If I had some real dirt on my boss instead of just his woeful incompetence, I'd be tempted to do something creative with it.
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"She doesn't seem too bright. Her boss called her a HOPA and so three or four pictures later she decides this means Hot Piece Of Ass. Err, that's HPOA not HOPA."

You don't seem too bright, yourself. Frame 16 clearly shows her "shaking" the letters around to correct her boss's mistake. And I'm pretty sure she would know whether he meant "hot piece of ass" or someone of mixed race by the context in which he said it.

"If it were real there would be no need for the pictures."

She decided not to use regular e-mail and instead to be a little more creative, despite the "need" to do so, therefore it's fake? Critical thinking seems to have abandoned the Internet.
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Damn, I think I just heard someone get shot on the other side of my neighborhood. Oh well...

This is great for this girl's acting career. She is super beautiful, and she did the expression's really well. If it was real I would say she was a hero, hehe, but too bad. The main thing that tipped it off with a fake feel was that the set in the background and the dry erase board was too sterile, like what you would find in a home store display mock-up or a set on tv. And the girl's make-up was too well done.

One thing that made it seem real was how she actually is dressed pretty unstylishly, which tends to be a pattern with really smart girls who might execute something like this so well, and I wonder if they did that unstylish dressing on purpose or not.

As for the hoaxers, they really sound like wankers. I definitely don't plan on ever visiting thechive or whatever it is again after this or bothering to find out what the site is about. It would be more fun if it was just something this girl came up with to advance her acting career. They got a bit lucky with the girl, imo, who looks both unusually beautiful and sort of girl next door in these pictures, and that visual aspect is the main thing that made the pictures so popular. Almost all the comments on thechive about the photos were posted by men, hmmm.....
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@Supercrap wins.

(I wonder if folks would have detected the fraud earlier, if she were less attractive...

I mean, an Internet tracking system that would distinguish Farm* from Facebook in general? Sure, it could be done, but does anyone do that?
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Playing Farmville and taking an interest in the stock market isnt to damning, bad breath can happen ,boss a bit of a jerk-nothing unusual there.
A Blond with an entitled atttitude trying to prove to the world she is smart and a "hopa" or "hufa" or whatever it is, also par for the course,someone ring a bell.

Nothing interesting here folks.
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