Ron Sveden of Brewster, Massachusetts already suffered from emphysema, and when he took a turn for the worse, he expected he might have cancer. Instead, x-rays showed a pea plant sprout growing in his lung!
Previously: A tale of a pine tree growing in a lung that was later found to have been inhaled as a branch instead of a bud.
For two weeks they ran tests but they all came back negative for cancer, until one doctor found the plant growing in his lung.
“Whether this would have gone full-term and I’d be working for the jolly green giant, I don’t know. I think the thing that finally dawned on me is that it wasn’t the cancer,” said Sveden.
Ron said he never felt anything growing in his chest, just a lot of coughing.
Doctors suspect he had eaten a pea at some point in the last couple of months and it went down the wrong way, and then began to grow.
“One of the first meals I had in the hospital after the surgery had peas for the vegetable. I laughed to myself and ate them,” said Sveden.
Previously: A tale of a pine tree growing in a lung that was later found to have been inhaled as a branch instead of a bud.
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calling bullshit on this one, just like the aforementioned pine tree.
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would have been cool if they could have saved the plant somehow, and potted it in new soil. Its kinda like his lung baby. :P
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First thing I thought too ragazzambulante!
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ya know how your parents used to scare you by saying that if you swallowed the watermelon seeds you'd grow watermelons in your stomach? that suddenly became my fear all over again.
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