Sharpie has developed a new writing implement that's a cross between a pen and a pencil. The writing it produces stays erasable for three days. Then it becomes permanent. At Wired, Charlie Sorrel writes:
Link via Geekologie | Image: Sharpie
The Sharpie Liquid Pencil contains an “ink” made from liquid graphite and lays it down just like a pen. Once written, you have three days to think on the validity and weight of your words. During this period you can erase it just like pencil-marks. After the three days is up, the pencil lines will turn to ink and remain inscribed forever.
Link via Geekologie | Image: Sharpie
This won't replace pencils, and it won't replace pens. And there are already erasable pens. This seems like something somebody thought would be cool without really thinking about what it would be used for...
This may be good, I don't know. I'm itching to try it, though.
I write in my field books and on borehole logs in pencil all the time - I would LOVE this Sharpie dealie for my work. Much nicer once I have to get all that info into print than trying to interpret my pencil smudges.
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