Who's been stealing my Twinkies from my cubicle here at Neatorama HQ? This time, I'm going to catch Miss Cellania in the act! Instructables user action_owl designed and built a homemade laser tripwire alarm system that tweets a picture of anyone who crosses it:
This instructable will show you how to construct a laser tripwire that can twitter and grab an image from a webcam, as well as execute any command you can put in a bash script.
This instructable is actually quite simple and is even suitable as a beginner arduino project. It requires a GNU/linux (or possibly Mac) operating system with the arduino IDE and Processing IDE working properly.
Video at the link.
Link via OhGizmo! | Photo: action_owl
There's free software that turns ANY webcam into a motion tripped spycam.
No wires, no lasers, no sharks. Just the webcam, a computer, the software, and optional thieves.