See? Stephen Colbert endorses all the Neatorama sites! Or is he targeting us in some manner? Who knows! Let's see what happened this week.
Jill went to Comic-Con and took lots of cosplay pictures! She also wrote a post on Patently Silly Animal Patents.
In honor of Shark Week, we listed The Ten Weirdest Sharks Ever.
From the Museum of Possibilities, Steven Johnson looked back to the 1970s with the article Oil Spills in the Gulf of Mexico Are Not a New Concern.
From Uncle John's Bathroom Reader, we got The Origin of the Supermarket.
Mental_floss magazine looked at what might be your favorite sandwich ever, Peanut Butter and Jelly, Deconstructed.
At the Neatorama Art Blog, we welcomed new galleries from illustrator Bob Staake and cartoonist Nethery Engblom.
The ultimate winner in the How Did You Know? contest at mental floss was Leslie Jenkins, who won a mental_floss t-shirt and Tea Cupcakes from the NeatoShop. Congratulations to Leslie and to the daily winners as well!
Neatoramanaut Von Skippy won a t-shirt from the NeatoShop in NeatoGeek's Caption Contest. See his winning caption at the post.
In this week's What Is It? game, Papercat was the first with correct answer, and Galen had the funniest answer. Find both at the post.
Behind the scenes, we're busy cooking up more ways for you to win, coming soon to Neatorama!
(image created at You're on Notice!)
Newest 5 Comments
I think the Upcoming Queue should be at #2 listed under bears.
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Odd, "The Origin of the Supermarket" comments did not have a single note of the near parallel to WalMart.
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That photo looks shopped, I can tell by the pixels and by having seen quite a few shops in my day
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I watch it as often as I can. That's how I found the "You're On Notice generator".
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I guess you don't watch Colbert? That's the 'On Notice' board where he tells people/things that they are on notice and to watch out. Either way, pretty fun image.
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