Möbius Strip Building

The Bjarke Injels Group (BIG) won an international competition with their design for Kazakhstan's National Library, a flowing twist of metal and glass. The finished building will be shaped like a Möbius strip!

The new building has an area of 33.000 sqm, arranged as a continuous circulation on a Möbius Strip, as the result of 2 interlocking structures: the perfect circle and the public spiral. The sections (see below) clearly show how the horizontal program shifts to a vertical configuration, combining vertical hierarchy, horizontal connectivity and diagonal view lines.

See more pictures of how this strange building will be constructed at Arch Daily. Link

From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by djinny.

They can spend more on the building because they do not need to buy any books. It will automatically contain all the books in existence, since its outside is also its inside.
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