Justice in Brooklyn

Last night, author Jami Attenberg returned to the place where she locked her bike and found it gone.
I didn’t cry but I jutted my lower lip out the entire way home. It was a genuine sad face. I tried to stop the sad face but I could not. I really love my yellow bike, and it is summer and riding your bike is the best, and also it is my main form of transportation around town. I didn’t know how I was going to be able to afford a new one, and seriously, I was super bummed. It is a material object, yes, and it can be replaced, but it’s MY BIKE AND I LOVE IT.

I sad-faced myself to sleep.

This morning I woke up around 9 AM and checked Craigslist to see if there were any reasonably priced bikes on there and lo and behold, there was a picture of my bike for sale for $75. They even had a picture of the scratches.

The story gets exciting from that point. Her friend did some detective work, and the police set up a sting operation. Then she had to meet the guy who had her bike. It sounds like a television show that wraps up in an hour, and it all happened just today. Link -via Buzzfeed

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The exact same thing happened to me here in Brooklyn 2 years ago. I found my bike on craigslist the next morning and called the cops. They didn't help me so my husband and I made up this elaborate story that involved me using a fake accent (just for the fun of it) and met the guy in bed stuy. I took the bike out for a test drive, rode around the corner and never came back. Hubby stayed and told him, "That's my wife's bike. It was stolen yesterday. She's not coming back." Can you believe the perp actually asked my husband to reimburse him for the money he paid the dude that stole it??
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Chris Braiden, an authority on Community Policing, noted that while 182,000 bicycles were stolen in Canada in 1984 at a loss of $45 million, police were more obsessed with solving 1,069 bank robberies that resulted in losses of $2.8 million, all of it covered by insurance.

It's good to hear that there are police out there willing to spend some time on the little things (that, in the end, are actually big things).
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