I like E.T. You probably like E.T. After all, it was a cute movie about a loveable alien. But Nick Gjoka really, really, really like E.T. He got his first E.T. toy when he was four, after he saw the film - and today, he has thousands of items in his collection.
From a Vice Magazine interview:
What’s the most expensive E.T. thing you’ve bought?
The most expensive item that I paid for would be an E.T. clothes hamper. It is basically a life-size E.T. doll that opens in the back to put stuff in. Items that should have been more but I found for cheap were some candid production photos and crew items. The item that’s worth the most to me would be the E.T. toys that my grandfather gave me when I was a little kid.What’s the worst piece of E.T. merchandise you’ve seen?
There are too many bootleg items to mention! The official red light-up finger that was sold in 1982 is pretty phallic and disturbing looking.I hear you own a piece of E.T.’s foot.
I guess when I say “foot”, it’s kind of a stretch. It is really a piece of foam from the puppet’s foot. It was sent to Collegeville Costumes as a color swatch so they could get the color correct in the making of the E.T. Halloween costumes that they made in 1982. It was a plastic mask with a smock/bib plastic like top. The costume company couldn’t get the color correct so they sent a piece of the original E.T. from the film. I received it along with some correspondence letter between the producer of the film and someone at Collegeville Costumes.
Previously on Neatorama: The TMNT Fan
Comments (2)
I have a piece of E T with the number 083020365 from Universal Studios. He can speak and light.
Please contact if you are interested in!
Thank you from Hungary!
Staceyann C. Dolenti