After vanquishing crime and other weighty city matters, the officials of Elmhurst, Illinois, turned their legislative might to quash another pesky thing: they want to outlaw rolling one's eyes.
Elmhurst officials are considering creating a "disturbance and disorderly conduct" violation after a resident accused of rolling her eyes and sighing was ejected from a public meeting. [...]
Ald. Stephen Hipskind said Darlene Heslop rolled her eyes and sighed while attending a June 14 committee meeting. Heslop, who was asked to leave the meeting, said she favors adding a definition of disorderly conduct to the municipal code.
Link - via Consumerist
See also: Behind Every Great Man is a Woman Rolling Her Eyes
Where is the ACLU?
why don't they instigate the sadition act?
This proves that politicians don't care to listen ( eye's or ears ) to the people.
First I need to make sure I am the only one in the vid because I believe that ( not sure but I don't want to take chances ) Illinois has laws against video taping IN PUBLIC !
(wire tapping)
This country is full off LAZY officials who don't want to be busy with specific laws and make laws so broad as to destroy the US Constitution!