Preacher is Fighting High School Football Demon Mascot


When his son entered high school in Warner Robins, Georgia, little did pastor Donald Crosby know that he would soon be involved in fighting Satan himself, in the form of the high school's mascot:

The devil is at the center of a fight that seems to start every few years when someone new to Warner Robins realizes that the city's oldest high school, which has one of the most successful football programs in Georgia, rallies around a green-eyed, pitchfork-carrying demon.

The Warner Robins High School Demons.

A pastor at Kingdom Builders Church of Jesus Christ was shocked when he realized his own son could be among the hundreds of students shouting ‘Go Demons!' to cheer on the school's sports teams, but particularly in football, where the Demons have won four state championships over the years.

Link - via Fark (photo: Football Friday Night)

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It seems that this issue has died down some. I had one son graduate from WRHS and one attends now. I personally have no problem with the Demon mascot. If the preacher knew more of the history of how the mascot came about maybe he would not have picketed the school the first few days it started. Having his "Christian" followers yell at the kids as they walked to school telling them that they were worshiping the devil is quite sick in my opinion. I was thrilled when he got arrested. If he hates the mascot that much he should move out of that school zone. He just seems bored and needs some drama in his life.
And fyi...
Back in the day, Robins Air Force Base paid to have a high school built in Warner Robins (Georgia). When the school was completed, in 1946, the relevant civic authorities responded by naming the mascot after the 7th fighter squadron which brought its planes to the base for repair. The 7th fighter squadron, ‘The Screaming Demons’ made the school mascot choice an easy one. That’s why this Bible Belt town’s oldest high school's teams are known as the Warner Robins High School Demons.
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Wow. Just wow.

Maybe he should just pray for God to change the mascot. If it doesn't change it by his magical powers, then the pastor needs to accept God's will. For his way is Hol(e)y.

Can I get an amen!!??
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Yo Pastor JoeBob,
I give up. You saw right through me.
btw, you're right about the dinosaurs living with cavemen thing, too.
I'll just go back down below now.
Buhbye. (sniff)
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