Archive for July 29th, 2010

Do Ugly People Commit More Crime?

Do ugly people commit more crime? Yes, statistically speaking anyhow.Before you chalk this one up as the discredited pseudoscience of physiognomy rearing its ugly head, consider the argument behind a paper by Georgia Sta...

Great Airline Food is Still Being Served ... on International Flights

Some of the best meals you can have are actually on airplanes - but not domestic flights. No siree! NBC Today's travel expert Peter Greenberg shows us how international airplane passengers are still fed very well (yes, e...

San Francisco To Ban Pet Sales

Instead of asking "how much is that doggy in the window," you should be asking "how many years in jail?" if you live in San Francisco. See, the Bay Area city is weighing a ban on all pet sales, with e...

Wallpaper Made From Newspapers

This certainly brings new meaning to the saying "the writing on the wall." Lori Weitzner created Newsworthy, a new wallpaper made from recycled newsprint: Linknewspaper, wallpaper, Lori Weitzner...

Students Perform Better When School Starts Later

The one thing I hated most about school was how early it started. I've always thought that my academic performance (and that of my friends) would improve tremendously had school just start at the crack of noon - and now,...

"The Rapture": A Terrible Way to Die in a Cave

Explorer Bart Hogan stands at an entrance to the Cheve cave in Mexico. Author James M. Tabor writes about a 2004 expedition through the Cheve supercave in his new book Blind Descent. Photo: Frank AbbatoAdd this...

Bed Bugs: No Area Unbitten!

Forget Twilight vampires, the bloodsucking scourge that is spreading like wildfire in the United States is the bed bug:The tiny, sneaky insects are spreading so rapidly across the United States that almost no region...

Donut Mitosis

We've featured the fantastic artwork of Kevin Van Aelst before on Neatorama, but I couldn't resist this one: mitosis or cell division as explained with Krispy Kreme donuts (sprinkled, of course!) LinkKrispy Kreme, donut,...

Is Time Quantized?

John's post about scientists measuring the shortest interval of time ever inspired me to actually Google a question that I've pondered for quite some time: is time quantized? For th...

Pomparkour Ad

(YouTube link) Pomparkour is supposedly a new "sport" that is described as parkour with ladders. This ad for a sports drink is raising eyebrows because it has no warning that these are professional stunt people and th...

Scientists Measure Shortest Interval of Time Ever

German scientists hit electrons with light and then measured how they soon they moved. The delay between the bombardment and the movement of those electrons is the shortest interval of time ever measured, which is 20 at...

7 Amazing (Yet Uninspiring) Feats of Human Endurance

Kathy Benjamin and Jim Avery of Cracked have composed a list of seven people who did amazing things of no importance whatsoever. Marva Drew, for example, typed all of the numbers from 1 to 1,000,000: So when...

The Amish Population Boom

Thanks to high birth rates and few people exiting the sect, the Amish population in the United States is surging: The Amish population — a religious group that limits its member’s access to conveniences like telep...

Bugs Bunny at 70

The cartoon character Bugs Bunny turned 70 on Tuesday: Bugs made his debut in the animated short film "A Wild Hare" on July 27, 1940. It's in that film that he first pops out of his rabbit hole and asks Elmer Fudd in...

How Jellyfish Babies Are Born

Have you ever thought how jellyfish babies get born? And what does a hermit crab got anything to do with 'em?Creature Cast Blog from Scitable (a free science library from the science publishing powerhouse Nature) explain...

White Man's Guide to Eating Chinese Food

Do you like to eat Chinese food but have always been intimidated with the strange customs and non-English speaking proprietors or waiters? (Quite rare these days, actually, even in hole-in-the-wall restaurants in Chinato...

Lawn Gegnome Project

Lawn Gegnome Project - $14.95, as modeled by StefanieGenomics may be a hot topic in biology, but meme wise, gnomes got 'em beat. If you're in the biological sciences, you'd probably get the pun. Here's Lawn Gegnome Proje...

Predict the Future Using Your Fingernails (and other weird methods)

Want to know the future? You don't need crystal ball or a time machine. Just examine your moles or your fingernails or your cats. Really. Ailuromancy or felidomancy. Simply observe the...

Perhaps You Would Look Better in Padded Panties

A new category of shaping garments proposes to do for the buttocks what the brassiere has done for the torso: "you can lift it, round it and shape it." "It's part of the whole outfit," says Ms. Benson, a 25-year-old...

Winston Churchill's Dentures Were Designed to Preserve His Lisp

Dentures that once belonged to Winston Churchill are in the news after fetching £15,200 in an auction. In his wartime radio broadcasts, Churchill's distinctive voice was instantly recognisable. He wanted it to stay tha...

Ship Lost for 150 Years Found in Arctic Ice

In 1850, the HMS Investigator sailed into the Canadian Arctic in search for the fabled Northwest Passage. Captain Robert McClure and his crew, after getting trapped in ice in 1853, abandoned the ship. But a te...

What Is It? Game 147

Hello Neatoramanauts! This week's collaboration with the What Is It? Blog brings us this truly strange object to the left. Can you guess its function?Place your guess in the comment section. One guess per comment, please...

5 Amazing Early Explorers

Back in school, you may have learned about the European Age of Discovery: the time during the 15th-18th Centuries when Europeans traveled all over the world to lands previously unknown to them. But there were other earl...

The Longest Exposures in the History of Photography

Photographer Michael Wesely specializes in long exposures. As in years. The above picture shows the 2001 renovation of the Museum of Modern Art in New York City and was captured over a 34-month period. Yo...

A Non-Math Look at Math Objects

I found out something neat about three-dimensional shapes. Many strange mathematical solids are constructed by rotating the plane of a two-dimensional shape around an imaginary axis. Think of the flat holiday decorations...

Eyeball Pen

There's no better back-to-school gift for your beloved know-it-all than this all-seeing oracle eyeball pen (yes, the tip of the pen looks like a hand holding an eyeball)From the NeatoShop's neat selection of Back-to-Scho...

Porsche Modded with a Boeing Jet Engine

How do you make a Porsche 928 even better? Add a Boeing turbine jet engine!Bonus: flame shooter lets you roast marshmallows while you're out impressin' the ladies with your lil' sports coupe!http://www.random-good-stuff....

The Gamer's Alphabet

A couple of months ago, Geeks Are Sexy came up with an excellent post about the Geek Alphabet that went 'round the Net. What to do for an encore? How about The Gamer's Alphabet:Made by Artist/Project Manager/Penny Ar...

Caterpillar with Claw of Death!

If you're a fruit fly, whatever you do, don't mess around with this Hawaiian caterpillar 'cuz it's got ... CLAW of DEATH!Nature is one scary mama, that's for sure! VideoSift has the clip you've got to see: Link [embedded...

Game Controller Soaps

Psst! Want to know the secret to keeping your game geeks clean? You're looking at it: game controller soaps by Etsy seller Digitalsoaps.Nerd Approved has the descriptions: Link | Digitalsoap's Etsy pagesoap, game control...


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