When should a man steer clear of a BYOB party with lots of babes? When BYOB stands for "Bring Your Own Boobz" - yes, a home party for breastfeeding moms:
The parties are strictly BYOB. But the place will be littered with babes, without any alcohol in sight.
That's because these are BYOBoobz parties -- yes, as in mammary glands. And the home parties are designed to give support, guidance and a few free goodies to new breast-feeding moms, as part of a mission to help them overcome the "booby traps" associated with nursing.
Lisa Holewa of AOL News has all the titillating details: Link
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Comments (11)
She laughed, because she is young and probably never thought of that.
Nothing worse than some self entitled Mother all exposed at a mall with a kid hanging off her free-swaying teets who thinks she has some right to be disgusting because "I GAwTTA Feed Mah Bayy beee!"
Yeah lady, the kid is going to drop dead if you don't go find a bathroom or go somewhere private.
Nice try. Repulsive. Poo'ing is natural too, as is having sex. Some things you just don't do in public.
Maybe the sight of a woman breastfeeding her baby bridges that gap between human and animal and that scares some people.
I think it also has a little to do with the attitude of smug superiority some breastfeeders have - kinda like vegetarians who have to let you know they're vegetarians, and you're a horrible person for eating meat.