Popular Mechanics has a slideshow of 18 oddities in bathroom design. Pictured above is a floating bathroom that the US National Park Service installed in Lake Powell (UT/AZ) to persuade people there not to simply relieve themselves in the water. The official website confirms that there are, in fact, six such floating facilities.
Link via Digg | Photo by Flickr user Niels van Eck used under Creative Commons license
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Well, the floating latrines on Lake Powell do happen to have restroom facilities, but their main purpose is to serve as dump stations for port-a-potties. You can imagine how quickly one of those little numbers can fill up with a medium to large quantity of people out camping on the lake, so these facilities are fully stocked with a dump and non-potable water for rinsing afterward. Quite handy and I've utilized them for this purpose a number of times myself.
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