The Birds and the Bees T-Shirt by Mike Jacobsen - $14.95
Birds do it, bees do it ... but did they ever do it together? From the twisted imagination of Mike Jacobsen of See Mike Draw, here's The Birds and the Bees T-Shirt over at the NeatoShop: Link
More T-shirts by Mike | Other artist designed T-shirts | More Funny T-Shirts
See also: 30 Strangest Animal Mating Habits
If you optimized your photo's so they weren't a whopping 307K big.
I guess I would be as cranky as you if I was on dial up too.
gravity hurts
Kalel - Not too shabby but she doesn't hold a candle to Ana! No need to since Ana is hot enough.
(we want ana we want ana we want ana.......)
(doesn't swing worth a darn with Morse)
(unlike Bens best bent wire)