Sick and tired of getting their signposts stolen over the years, the villagers of Shitterton decided to make one that's a bit more difficult to steal: a stone sign that weigh more than a ton.
Ian Ventham, 62, chairman of the parish council, who lives at Shitterton Farmhouse with his wife Diana, 61, said: "We have lived here for the last 20 years and during that time the sign has been nicked at least three times. We think it was kids who would like to have it stuck on the wall in a den somewhere because it's quite an interesting sign.
"I don't think it was malicious, they just did it for fun, but it was exasperating for us. We would get a nice new shiny sign from the council and five minutes later, it was gone."
Not only was the lack of a sign annoying, he said, but "it could make life confusing for delivery drivers". "It was my wife's idea to carve it out of stone," he said. "We thought, 'Let's put in a ton and a half of stone and see them try and take that away in the back of a Ford Fiesta'."
That sounds like a challenge to me. Link
Previously on Neatorama: 10 American Towns with Weird Names
Comments (12)
"How does having the sign stolen three times in 20 years equate to it getting stolen five minutes after a new one was installed, unless they went years every time before getting a new sign?"
I can understand: we have a village nearby called Punkydoodles Corner. Their sign gets stolen within a week of it getting replaced, so they just don't replace it - until some new mayor or councilor shows up and enthusiastically pushes for a bigger and more permanent sign, which then gets stolen within a week. The cycle repeats, but it takes a few years until new enthusiasm for signage appears in the village council.
dgaicun - Personally I find your name really embarrassing! Speaking of punks, do you use language like that around your mother?
Who appointed you two to be the town name Gods? Hopefully one day you'll grow up and understand that names are important. Speaking badly about a towns name speaks volumes about your ignorance.