What's 36 feet tall, made of straw, and peers over the Nantwich horizon? A meerkat, of course! Snugburys Ice Cream Farm of Hurleston in England erects a big straw statue every summer.
The colossal meerkat has eyes that light up. Link -via Arbroath
The concept started in 1998 with a huge Millennium Dome sculpture and has also seen a straw replica of the Lovell telescope, London Eye as well as last year’s Big Ben standing beside the A51 near Chester.
Director Chris Sadler and his wife Cheryl come up with the ideas and the creations are made by Mike Harper, who builds a steel skeleton which is then stuffed with hay.
Speaking about this year’s design, Mr Harper, 57, said: ‘Everyone loves meerkats, especially my wife, so we thought it would be a good idea.
The colossal meerkat has eyes that light up. Link -via Arbroath
also very weird as we saw this meerkat "in the flesh" this morning as we drove off from Chester for our holiday. Very surreal to see it on here!