If you decide to be cremated when the time comes, your choice of final resting places will be much greater than if you were to be buried. Mental_floss takes a look at some of the more, hmm ...imaginative ways people have stored, scattered, reused, or disposed of their ashes.
The name Fredric Baur may not ring any bells, but you know his most famous creation. In 1966 Baur invented the Pringles can so Procter & Gamble could ship its new chips without using bags. Baur was so proud of the achievement that he told his children he wanted to be buried in the iconic can. When he died in 2008 at 89, they honored his wishes by placing his ashes in a Pringles can before burying them. According to his son Larry, Baur’s children briefly debated what flavor canister to use before settling on original.
Newest 5 Comments
Thanks, Tim! :) I had a moment of horror when I hit submit thinking, "That's soooo not how it was meant to sound." xx
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I want my ashes to be in the smallest of stacking dolls in a series.... ooo I could have them painted in my likeness too!
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heheheheh, I know what you meant Beagle babe.
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Let me rephrase that... it's not cool that they've passed on, but cool that they are in Arlington the way they wanted to be.
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That's so cool, Tim!
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