Not only had Detective Hudson had previous run-ins with Kevie, he knew the Valencia Club's liquor license had been surrendered.
When Detective Hudson went to the bar to investigate, he found it open for business and customers at the bar. Kevie quickly went from behind the bar to behind bars.
Kevie is being held on charges of selling liquor without a license and, of course, burglary. Link -via Arbroath
(Image credit: Ben Furtado/Auburn Journal)
This guy's "initiative" is hardly worth celebrating considering it wasn't his bar to begin with. It's not like he earned the money to buy it and run it legally. He's just a lowlife with no respect for what doesn't belong to him. I'm not saying he deserves the chair for it or anything, but he does deserve to be persecuted to the fullest extent of the law and nothing more.
Yeah, I can't my words that begin with "p" right today.
Lighten up? I think that a lot of people commenting here need to grow up.
You are the type of person that makes Neatorama not
'neato' anymore... You are a troll.
And wow, big deal, it's illegal in today's laws, so what? The whole world population is illegally squatting on Earth anyway.
If nobody has the guts to do something with abandoned lands, lots of cities are ghost towns already. There are of course drugged-up squatters who just devalues properties, but there are plenty of good ones too - especially during bad times. I doubt New York City would have ever sprung back to life if not squatters believing in where they live and spending their time fixing up Soho and Lower East Side.
If you run a bar illegally, the only advertising you should be doing is word of mouth.
Hmmmm, there is a closed tannery just down the road. None of the customers would squeal to the pigs. Not afterwards, anyway.
[deleted for name-calling. That's not what we do here.]
I've been called worse by better. As for kicking bums out of the park, as long as they aren't doing anything illegal, they can stay right there for all I care. If they start busting into someone else's property and trying to capitalize off of someone else's things, then I'm all for throwing them in the can for as long as the law allows. If that's evil and heartless, then I am proud to be evil and heartless.
I'm sure you consider yourself some sort of caring individual, but you really aren't. What about the property owner, or as one person mentioned, others that actually do pay for a liquor license? Oh yeah, they're not "renegades" or "innovators". Give me a break. If you want to stick it to the man, there are better ways to do it that don't involve breaking and entering.
Squatters are trash, and this guy took it to a whole new level making him less than trash. If that's what you want to hold up as a standard, then you are no better than he is.
What's his issue with PETA? - both me and my sister are vegetarians and proud of it!
What's the issue with PETA? My sister and I are vegetarian and proud of it!! Is he saying animals don't need to be treated ethically?