Unlimited Urban Woods Pavilion

One tree + four mirrors = an entire forest! Step into a small booth and experience an infinite number of trees. This installation by DUS Architects was shown to folks in Oosterdokskade, Amsterdam last month. http://www.dusarchitects.com/nieuws.php?taal=english&nieuwsid=118 -via Metafilter

(Image credits: Pieter Kers)

Why did I think this was a public toilet? Thank God I didnt see this in person. That looks like a great place for a wee. I mean I wouldn't, but I thought it was a.... UM Well anyway,
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This is nice in theory. The problem is that if you step inside to experience it, not only do you see an infinite number of trees, you see an infinite number of you as well! Kind of takes the serenity out of being in a forest with millions of trees once you put millions of people in there too!
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Fill that baby with pictures of Carmen Luvana and then we got something going.

Seriously though, how about we create an affect to reduce the cities, NOT multiply the trees.
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