Ten Strange Toothpastes

I can't think of too many things more unappetizing than brushing your teeth with black or brown toothpaste. Several such pastes are in this list of Ten Strange Toothpastes, as they contain charcoal or chocolate. The French Email Diamant Rouge toothpaste seem quite intriguing, as it turns everything but your teeth bright red. See all kinds of odd teeth cleaners at Oddee. Link -via Unique Daily

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Yup, Ak is correct. This is the toothpaste I used as a child. About 10 years ago, my mother had given me 10 tubes of the stuff and i was excited! I don;t think you can buy it here. It's good stuff though and I thin it works pretty darn well.

I really should go get a tube.
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Actually, Email Diamant is pretty well known here in France. The trick is, it's supposed to turn your gum a little redder so your teeth look whiter.
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