Man Gets Livestock Citation For Ceramic Chickens

Robert Sosebee of Austell, Georgia came home to find he had been ticketed for keeping livestock in the city. But he doesn't own any chickens, except for a couple of ceramic hens decorating his lawn.
Sosebee believes that one of his neighbors might have seen his ceramic chickens on the front lawn and called the county, thinking that the chickens were real.

“The code enforcement officers brought me a paper violation saying I had some chickens, but I didn’t," said Sosebee.

The enforcement officer apparently relied on a complaint and had not looked for the chickens himself. Code enforcers later tore up the ticket. Link

(Image credit: WSB-TV)

That would involve an officer actually doing some investigation.

These days reporters and police only do investigation on television shows and movies.
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Actually, they're not supposed to tear up tickets. That was a way of covering their tracks. They're supposed to turn in all tickets written, and he would have had to bring it to court. It's convenient when you're getting a ticket for them to say "once we start writing one, we're not supposed to stop."
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Just like the parking police on my college campus, they like to write tickets first and then you can fight them later. Maybe it is a Georgia thing, since I am right around the corner from Austell...
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I live in PA and read this on CNN. It's hysterical. My question is - why didn't the code officer - or the nosy neighbor for that matter - realize the chickens in the front yard did NOT move? Real chickens move. Ceramic chickens do not. Wouldn't one realize if the chicken did not move it was not real? I don't know who's worse is this situation. WOW.
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This reminds me of the homeowners organizations that won't let an 85 year old WWII veteran fly an American flag. Yet another example of liberal insanity where they think government knows better how to run a persons life than the person does. Is sad.

(guy should send a bunch of real chickens over to the neighbor so they can see what they look like)

(too bad he didn't have a pair of those flamingo yard ornaments)
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